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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Politics. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Politics communication made in Obama

Communication via Internet as political propaganda is an art that is only available to experts. This video is an example of political communication trhough Internet social networks as tools for broadcasting content and messages. Obama's team broke five years ago schemes and this video shows a perfect summary of its trajectory as a politician in front of the White House and the use of management resources to communicate it.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

#Spanishrevolution: Times are chanching

The time that elapsed between We've a dream of Martin Luther King and We want change for the American Democrats to support the first black president of the United States has been as intense as the succession of revolutions that since January in Africa while #spanishrevolution fills the streets with people who demand a real democracy. Catch a dream is as complex as converting a utopia into reality. If these young people due to the system under the stones of Paris will fill, at last, the sea.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

President Obama at Ground Zero

The image that best describes the disappearance of Osama Bin Laden is the Presidnet of Obama at Ground Zero. I always thought that kept him alive for security reasons, today is obvious that my argument does not match the foreign policy Made in USA. Of all the pictures I'll take this because it sums up the pain, anger, desolation and sorrow of a people for the loss of their loved ones. However, opening a new era for the world because American foreign policy for some time that marks the global agenda and, unfortunately, will continue to be less free and sovereign because the stigma of the death of Bin Laden will remain a threat to the West.