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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta freeassange. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

#DayWithoutTwitter for #PressFredom

The sound of silence for #Wikileaks #DayWithoutTwitter for freedom of the press |#PressFreedom #freeassange. In this way I ended yesterday my Twitter session. All this hashtags and others for suporting Wikileaks are those days in Internet.

The dream of freedom through the network represented by Wikileaks goes beyond what our imagination can encompass. While Julian Assange is arrested in London on social networking sites people are using the silence to cry out against the system that seeks to censor the truth. However, coercion by the powers that enhances and expands the echo of the injustices that society observes stunned.

The world is crumbling before our eyes but we are fighting every day. Today we are informed. The information is indeed power, but now the power is ours. Citizens become activists. Freedom is the cornerstone of our system of coexistence and we, the people, are the owners and for this reason we must defend it. We should uphold our values and allow any power underestimate.

I show my support to Julian Assange because I want back the dream of freedom .I've recovered the post published in August in connection with Wikileaks.

Champagne day for the freedom

Seldom can celebrate small victories for freedom of expression. Today is one of those champagne day that, if it would be versioned soundtrack by Van Morrison, and, of course, would be Days Like This. I want to reflect on the news I read on the net on Wikileaks.

Despite criticism of its lack of transparency, the website, founded by Australian journalist, Julian Assange, highlights, with documented evidence uncomfortable for certain government information. I wonder what they think of a tool like it Il cavaliere after embarrassing gag rule, which limits the use and dissemination of wiretapping in the official research.